2025 Mesa Easter Pageant dates announced
“Jesus the Christ,” an annual, outdoor musical dramatization of “the greatest story ever told,” will be presented in downtown Mesa each evening April 9 through April 12, and April 15 through April 19.
“Jesus the Christ,” an annual, outdoor musical dramatization of “the greatest story ever told,” will be presented in downtown Mesa each evening April 9 through April 12, and April 15 through April 19.
從 11 月 30 日星期六開始,到 12 月 21 日星期六,孩子們的裝飾品製作活動將於每週六、週三和週四上午 10:30 和 11:15 舉行,中間有木偶表演。
The Giving Machine 是一種反向運作的“自動售貨機”,為用戶提供為當地和全球慈善機構捐贈各種急需物品的機會,將於11 月15 日在吉爾伯特的黑爾中心劇院庭院向公眾開放。
位於S. LeSueur 101 號的亞利桑那州梅薩聖殿(Mesa Arizona Temple) 美麗的庭院將於今年從11 月29 日星期五到12 月30 日星期一亮起聖誕氣氛。 10 點亮起。